Saturday, 8 December 2012



dua tiga kucing berlari ,
mana nak sama si kucing belang ,
tidak lengkap hari tanpa ...... ( aku ndatw mo sambung apa ) XD

here's a short story about her :)
hari pertama ak masuk sekolah , dia dengan beberapa org kali yg aku tak ingat muka *biasalah first day* bawa aku dan parents pergi asrama . ibu ak sempat lg beramah mesra tanya nama . haha . bila azuereen perkenalkan diri , ibu siap bermanis mulut lagi cakap *eh ? dekat la tu hah nama kita . nama makcik hazreen* dan aku pun agak malu -.- haha . nak tegur bersembang dengan dorang pun malu . aku memang ada SYNDROME MALU pada hari first tu (07.02.2010)

first thought ? hmm . cina ka ne ah ? ka dusun ? ka sino ? dah la muka putih , tapi dia takde sir name kat belakang . biarlaa . nanti boleh siasat . haha . and disebabkan dia kelas lain , so agak susah dan dingin ketika form 4 . nak bercakap segan , malu . lgpun apa yg nk dicakap ? takde topik langsung . then aku start boleh bersembang sejak aku rapat dengan alhan , bibib . sebab minah sorang pengunjung SETIA dorm alhan syuhada . jadi bila aku pergi sna , mesti ada muka dia , nak tak nak kna la bercakap . nanti situasi akan jadi tersangat-lah awkward . hoho .

THIS year :) makin erat silaturahim . alhamdulillah . kitorang pergi KESUMA sma2 :D lagipun loker dia ni banyak makanan . memang jadi loker sasaran aku selain loker MIZAN ADILLIA . hahaha :D selalu la juga kitorang sembang2 , ketawa2 . fyi , minah ni memang berseni , takde benda yang dia tak boleh lukis . memang TABIK SPRINGG laa kat ko azuereen ;) pastu2 , kalau bersembang , volume pun boleh tahan mcm aku . dua kali lima . kurkur :3 dah dekat hujung tahun ni , lagilaa happening , dia selalu datang dorm aku kacau syakina ( si GETE ) haha . jadi apa lagi ber-combo lah suasana kat dorm tu :D
her :)

kepada cik AZUEREEN , its really nice knowing you . such a talented person ;) walaupun 2 tahun kenal , rapat sekejap ja , tapi alhamdulillah kita dipertemukan walaupun dalam masa yg singkat . thanks for being part of my memories in SMESH .  stay awesome and aku sayang kau lillahitaala ;)

lots of love ,
tikayap :)

another small part left the family :'(

assalamualaikum ,

semalam , ak dapat call dr gong gong ( which means grandfather in chinese) yg pakcik ak dh meninggal . yes , another one left my gong gong and po po . selepas ayah aku , dalam masa 7 bulan , dorang kehilangan seorang lagi anak lelaki . Yap Vui Hen . daripada jumlah anak 6 , sekarang tggal 4 . kitorang dapat call around 11.30 p.m . then , we rushed to his house . dia tinggalkan 3 anak perempuan , yang tua pun baru darjah 4 . hmm . td ak baru je pg ziarah mayat . akan dibakar pada hari selasa . perasaan aku ? tiada kematian yang lebih menyedihkan selain daripada kematian baba aku . jadi aku tak rasa apa2 . cuma kesian kat cousin2 kecil aku . ibu , ak and adik2 dah melalui musibah kami , sekarang mereka pula yg dapat musibah yang sma . be strong aunty :')

lots of love ,
tikayap .

Monday, 3 December 2012


ASSALAMUALAIKUM pepollssss :) setelah disuruh update oleh kwn2ku yg tercinta , barula sy nk gerakkan muscle tangan nk mnulis . so , here we go .

SPM IS OVEERRRRRRR !!! ALHAMDULILLAH :) tu juga bermakna tamat dah zaman persekolahan ak . and a new world is waiting for me , us , the 0812 mates . dsebabkan saya ne science-stream . so habis awal . ada lagi kwn2 sekolah lain yg masih berjuang , for them . GOOD LUCK :) after paper BIO . we had our dinner on that night . walaupun bsk tu exam PA . nothing much to describe about the dinner , so here some pictures :))

the dorm-mates 
with cikgu hanitah :)
me and aina :)
sovereign's cake :)

hmm . life seems un-normal since we left the school . for some people maybe . *including me* . belum dapat biasakan diri dengan kenyataan yg kitorang ni dah takkan tggal sama2 lagi . susah . sangat SUSAH . hidup , makan , tido , belajar , makan maggie dgn air panas je , makan bubur instant , PAMA  , menyanyi , menari , berlakon , mengurus event , riadah , escape , main makeup2 , main ukulele , starmaker , taptap revenge , BBQ , karaoke , kutip bola futsal , jadi KINGKONG , tidur sekatil , dandan2 rambut , bergete ,  kena marah , kena denda , kena tawaf ,  breakfast , dinner , lunch , supper , ketawa , gosip , nangis , jatuh , bangun , terlentang semua ngan dorang . haih :/ tapi apa blh buat . life must go on . walaupun sedih2 sekarang , tak lama lagi hilang laa tu insyaAllah . HANYA GAMBAR MENJADI PENGUBAT RINDU :')

i wasn't there in SMESH when my friends went through their first 3 years in that school . lepas dpt 8A , mohon sana . alhamdulillah , mgkn dh ditakdirkan sy akn tamat sekolah kat sana . first thought msuk SMESH ? *matila ak kena bergaul dengan budak melayu, dahla semua pki tudung, mati..mati..* i had that thought because i was from chinese school . sejak dari kecik lagi , so agak GABRA . but at LASSST , ak rapat macam adik-beradik dengan drg . seperti peribahasa yg selalu disebut2 , *don't judge a book by its cover* -many book book by their covers- hahaha :D i really had a good time with them . SANGAT .

 gemuk .

buruk eh tudung .

us :)

er , btw . aku punya jantung *dupdapdupdap* masa tulis ni . knapa eh ?

pengakhiran coretan , ak nk ucapkan terima kasih semua atas kenangan yg tak boleh dibeli dengan duit ni :)) lepas ni semua ada laluan masing2 , confirm akan ada yg terputus contact . tp insyaAllah tak . kalau betul kita terputus contact . PLEASE , just dont forget those times that you spent with sovereign . they really worth more than gold :)

design kat t-shirt form :)

meet my classmate . 5 BETA :)

TILL NEXT TIME . will be posting about few friends . byeeee .

p/s : batchmates , klau ada request nak post pasal apa2 . inform me ;))

sayang korang lillahitaala .
lots of love ,

tikayap :)

Friday, 5 October 2012


31 lagi hari utk kmi warga 0812 satu MALAYSIA ready nk SPM :) dh akhir2 mcm ne , semua org sibuk buat latihan , stay up , tnya apa yg tak tahu . ni lah waktunya kita tunjukkan semangat kawan . YANG LEMAH DIBANTU , YANG MAHIR MEMBANTU . kan kan kan ? tak tahu la skolah lain , tp kmi skrg dh ada jadual anjal . blajar sma2 kt dlm DEWAN . alhamdulillah dewan tu selesa , jadi no problem nk study . lg pun snang nk bkomunikasi .

mcm kt atas tu lah lbh kurang keadaan kt dlm dewan tu . besttt :))) jadual kitorang pun packed . sbb cikgu dh susunkan jadual belajar . so waktu utk blajar sendiri masa after prep je. walaupun penat , takpe ... bbrapa puluh hari je lagi . klu nk release penat pun , chan2 laa lpas prep smbang2 jap , pastu 11.30 mlm smbung blik . tulah rutin harian ktrg kt asrama lepas semua form dpindahkan pg paras satu . BAHAGIA :) sbb 6 org je satu dorm . tak sempit lngsung . tp agak kesian kt adik2 kt atas tu , nk buat mcm mna kan ? MAAF . nti result kmi gempak , berbaloi pengorbanan adik2 tu :)) insyaAllah .

smesh tak ada buat jamuan raya tahun ni , so batch kmi tlah bsepakat nk buat jamuan form je .hoho . so , mlm tu semua bergaya sakan pki bju raya bwa mknn dr rumah . ktrg buat kt kelas je , sbb keadaan tak mengizinkan . tp apapun . ENJOY :D

those the pictures that i copied from BRUE . so thank you . ak tak ada camera nk snap2 :(((( msh dlm proses mmbaiki :/ wahai DSLR ku , semoga cepat sembuh . huhu :( melepas nk tgkp gmbr . dh la tahun last . so its the last year celebrating eid with my batchmate . may our bond last forever . AMIN ~
next week , we're going to MEMBAKUT for straight A'S in camp , and it will be the last programme for us :'/ , maybe .. i think so ..

WAHAI FORM 5 , .......... GOOD LUCK :) HAHA . 

till next time . 
love ,

Saturday, 1 September 2012

65 days left .

assalamualaikum (: seperti yang tertera kat tajuk atas . 65 hari lagi untuk spm . persediaan aku ? entahlaa . alhamdulillah , teras ak insyaAllah dah memang boleh pegang A , tapi elektif ni yang buat aku risau , tapi aku akan cuba sedaya upaya supaya impian 9A aku tercapai . AMIN ;)

tadi aku dah tinjau2 IPTA , tgk course yang ak minat . hoho . terasa sangatlah dewasa (: so , hala tuju impian aku lepas ni , ambik foundation in science kat UM . pray for me pepolls . i'll work hard for that starting now .
permohonan matriks dah selesai . korang dah ke ? permohonan tutup OKTOBER okeyys ?

lots of love ,
tikayapp (;

Saturday, 11 August 2012

i heart you sabah (:

here's another post before i go back to school . what have been in my news feed since yesterday was all about borneo , those narrow minded people keep saying bad things about us . come on , chill la weyh . ok , aku bukan sabahan , tapi ak tinggal sabah dah lama , dari darjah 3 . so you can assumed me as sabahan , and i will say that i love to stay here .

things like this ,

ya Allah , kita ni kan tinggal dlm satu negara , kenapa kena berfikiran mcm tu ? how narrow minded people you guys are :( di sini saya nak tegaskan yang kami TAK TINGGAL ATAS POKOK . TAK PAKAI CAWAT . even kadang2 budak2 SBP pun tanya soalan mcm tu . apa guna internet ? selidik la pasal sabah sarawak .

things like this , do exist
bukan la apa kan , tapi sampai orang takut nk dtg sini , kna buat preparation mcm2 . mcm la tempat kami takde apa2 . wahai warga semenanjung , apa kamu ada , kami pun ada ok ? so , think about it . sabah sarawak have their own beatifulness inside , so do you guys in west malaysia (:

lots of love ,
me (:

month of ramadhan leaving soon :')

"apabila datangnya ramadhan , nescaya dibuka pintu pintu syurga , ditutup pintu neraka dan diikat syaitan-syaitan " - riwayat al-Bukhari .

assalamualaikum , malam ni dah malam ke 23 (:  so amacam dengan ibadah kita ? trial , trial gak . last2 moments of ramadhan lagi penting doh . insya-Allah all the muslims are doing their best on these coming last days of ramadhan (: right ?

by the way , ni ramadhan terakhir aku kt SMESH . lepas dh xde dh dok buka puasa duduk ngan kwn2 satu form , dok beli makanan yg sma kt bazaar sekolah , terawih kt dewan and sahur sme2 . insya Allah mggu terakhir ne , aku nk nikmati setiap saat terakhir ramadhan aku kt sini , mne dpt lg cm ne lpas ne . roti sardin ustaz ngan cincau susu pakcik kadir adalah antara yang akan dirindui . hoho :)

kat sini aku nk selitkan sikit pasal saf dlm solat , bknnye apa . tapi aku rasa dh sedia maklum dh saf kita tu kna la elok2 , jgn smpi putus . tapi aku heran la tgk kaum yang lbh tua dr aku ne , bawa anak2 laki solat kt masjid . patutnya letak la anak tu kt blakang , dok kt plg tepi ke , ini tidak . letak anak tu kt tgh saf , xke dh putus saf mcm tu , dh la anak laki tu dh besar panjang -.- im not trying to complain or what , but they should hve known about this .  *pengajaran kpd kaum muda , nti dh ade anak , jgn buat mcm tu ye ((: ni bg perempuan  laa .

last words from me ,
apa yg terkurang pada ramadhan ne , perbaiki la secepat mungkin supaya next ramadhan nti bkurang laa sikit  benda mcm tu (: insyaAllah .

lots of love ,
me (:

Sunday, 22 July 2012


mengumumkan tarikh PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH , jatuhpada 1 OGOS 2012 . diharapkan agar semua warga 0812 SBP bersedia (: selamat menduduki peperiksaan , mari pulun habis habisan , baru tenang sikit nk raye (:

lots of love ,
me (: 

Saturday, 21 July 2012


Assalamualaikum (: here comes ramadhan again .
seperti yg dinyatakan dkat banner sekolah kami "ANDAI INI RAMADHAN TERAKHIR BAGIKU"
setiap umat islam tidak dapat menjangka bila tibanya hari kiamat atau ajal kita . hanya ALLAH yang Maha Esa mengetahui segalanya. Sujud hari ini , puasa hari ini , doa hari ini mungkin menjadi yang terakhir bagi kita . So lets perform our ibadah as if we're going to die tomorrow (:

lots of love ,
tika (:

Friday, 4 May 2012

aku balik lagi :))

assalamualaikum . mungkin ramai kot smeshian yang jealous ak balik *perasan* haha . im back home for reasons . wokeyyh :) so , from now on , we'll not having night classes with the tutors anymore because of the exams . ak nak ucap terima kasih byk2 dkt tutors yg dtg especially tutor group kami ((: KAK RIFHAN IRDINA JUPRI . thanks for your willing to teach us .

aku nk citer sikit pasal kwn ak sorang ne . er , boleh dikategorikan hipokrit kot . and nasib baik ak sedar awal2 , klu tak mgkn ak pn kna tipu . haih . dkt FB bkn main bcintan-cintun . sekali dkt realiti , dgn **** angkat pn ko bedal . mmg geli ahh ak dgn kau . ak tak tau la girlfriend ko tau ke x , biar ahh dia tau sendiri , klu ak bgtw pn , nti kna ckp mnyibuk la , apelaaa . bek ak diam diri je kan ? arghh . gatal btl lelaki tu . pastu skrg ko mnyakitkan hati ak . peribadi2 ah bro . masalah ***** kena juga diutamakan , ne ape benda pun ak tak tahu , kecik hati kot . nti klu ak tegur knp ko taknak bckp dgn ak , nt ko salahkan ak balik , malas ak nk layan perangai minta puji ko tu .

ak ade byk lg benda yg nk difikirkan . small things like this won't bother me . cuma ak cuak sikit dgn exam kali ne . byk lg neee nk dikejar . insyaAllah sempat . buku dh setimbun bawa balik ((: takkan nak biar je kan ? (:

pray for my success people . aku sentiasa ingat korang :')
peace be upon you .

Saturday, 28 April 2012

part of me , kembali menghadap Allah (':

assalamualaikum (: how are you guys ? the readers of my blog ? i guess the last time i post was about weeks ago . a lot of things had happened :') i LOST my beloved dad , muhammad taufik yap bin abdullah , on 9 april .   we straight away went back to KL to wait for his body to arrive in malaysia . he passed away because of the pacemaker failure in india . he was buried in kg, talang batin , parit , perak . my mom hometown (': he left us with a lot of books that he once told us that he will not gave us any property but then he will leave those books that he own . if we want success , find it our self . he even studied until the last breath that he had :'(  

after 1 week , im back in smesh . only Allah knows what is my feeling that time , im scared to go back but i dont know why . alhamdulillah , He sent me a lot of friends that always there when i need them . thanks guys . appreciate it much .

from now on , things will change a lot . me and my family , STILL , trying to fit with this new lifestyle , without him by ourside . no more hugs and kisses from him . no more people will mad about what we're doing . no more delicious cook by him . no more supper at outside . no more movies until late night . no more people put on my blanket when i sleep :'(

9 may is my mid semester exam . i'll try my best . not to let down my mom , families , my dad's friend . insyaAllah . pray for me :')

Saturday, 7 April 2012


assalamualaikum , as i wrote yesterday , i'll post something before i go back to school (: 30 APRIL . its the date of our mid exam . and the questions are not from our school . selaras SBP bro . ITS GONNA BE HARD . so kena belajar betul2 .

nak minta tolong boleh ? whoever reading this , don't forget MY NAME in your prayer , doakan aku berjaya dan ingatan aku akan sentiasa kuat ((: and aku nak minta maaf kepada sesiapa yang pernah aku singgungkan hati atau terguris hatinya oleh aku . minta maaf banyak2 eh :')

thats all for this entry . peace and out ~ ((;

hai there world ((:

assalamualaikum . tomorrow im going back to the beloved school . i dont know since when , but yes , beloved school . ikhlas ne bro (: hahaha . so , homework ? 50% done maybe , i did it when i went to the new house just now *buat kerja mengemas sambil buat homework , hebat x ?* haha . next week , insyaAllah im going to KL . but only for few days , cause i ain't gonna skip school .i don't why suddenly but who cares , you get to go to KL on weekends and you still want to know why ? hahaha (:

lets drop the subject  (: here i would like to share with you guys some new songs of najwa latif ((: sahabat , i love you and kosong . she is 17 years old as i am and known as youtube girl because she started with uploading her cover on youtube . people found her amazing voice and make her an idol to the teenagers nowadays . nice right ? (:




last but not least

UNTUK DIA featuring sleeq (:

i know its a little bit awkward when i make a post about her , it just somehow crossed my mind and her song is nice what ? try to listen first mahhh ((: her song related dengan kisah hidup ak dengan kawan2 kot . thats why i love her song ((: 

maybe i'll post about something else tomorrow before i step in to the land of smesh (: 

may peace be upon you . out ~

Friday, 6 April 2012

im trying hard .

assalamualaikum (: im home since yesterday because today is a public holiday . i dont want to come back home at the first place . like seriously man , I DONT WANT BUT I HAVE TO . sucks much :'(

as usual , the same thing will happen every time im home . and im tired of it . im just super tired to waste my time on thinking what should i do next . and those give up feelings keep haunting me and told me to do so but im still trying to fix things up . BUT I DONT KNOW HOW . families , friends and my studies are my problems now .

im not the old me now in home , school and wherever i am since early of this month . i have to throw my  sad feelings away from sharing it with my friends because sometimes they just don't understand . and thats mean i have no place to tell everything about what im facing right now . im not blaming them at all because i love my friends to the max :') family , the place where i should share my stories , my happiness , my problems . but then they are not there for me :'((( i wish time can stop for a while so that i will not stressing about all this thing . maybe i just have to smile to keep pretending that im okay .

exam is coming but it's too hard for me to be focusing on my study just because all those thing . EMOSI AKU SANGAT TERGANGGU . i want to cry all day long but i can't . someone , please help me :'(

peace be upon you .

*HATE is just a word .

Saturday, 17 March 2012

balik asrama :O

so , i'll be going back to hostel in few more hours . haih . can't wait to see my friends :)) tapi , part seram tu homework belum siap . memang padan muka la , siapa suruh tak buat kan :p prep malam ne confirm semua sibuk buat homework . buka sekolah ne , banyak perubahan akan mula dilakukan oleh pemimpin2 smesh . so , be ready guys ((: and aku harap takkan ada awkwardness yang aku jangka akan ada . susah kerja kalau tak ber-ngam nanti :/

 saaaaaaayang 0812 (((:

wish me luck ((:

peace and out .

Thursday, 15 March 2012

thursday :)

assalamualaikum (: today , we went to the new house in Putatan and cleared things up . aku tak la penat mana sebab asyik dengan telefon je . hoho .

so . hari ne . something happened . aku harap apa yang ak buat ne akan bertahan lama . 3 more days to go . and we're back in school . i'll be ready for the hard days that i'll go through when schools open . mungkin awal2 je . lama2 nanti akan jadi kebiasaan . but still , friends forever kan redz ?  lagipun aku ada banyak kawan yang sentiasa support ak (: as nisham said " let bygone be bygone " and a smile can burns all the unhappiness and im good at the smile part (:

 and special thanks for my friends that always be there when i need them .

peace and out .

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

tired of this :')

its midnight . i just can't get him off from my mind . i know that what i want just won't be done . we had done that before . it doesn't works and he knows me well . sorry to say this :'( i've wasted a lot of tears . is it worth it ? i don't know .

peace and out :')


it had been a long time since my last entry . bukan apa , sibuk sangat . tak sempat nak update . kalau balik bermalam pun , sempat online sekejap je , blog ne nak buka pun kadang2 tak sempat ((:

yeahh . holidays come again . kalau ak budak sekolah rendah confirm happy tahap gaban . but then holidays now to me means that itulah masa untuk ulangkaji apa yang tertinggal . kan ? SPM just around the corner . (:

so , 2 weeks ago i went to pahang with my friends for 'KESUMA' which stands for ( kursus kepimpinan ketua dan penolong ketua rumah ) SBP YAWW .
kebangsaan tu (: di sini ak titipkan beberapa keping gambar untuk penyinggah blog ne (:

plane (:
tunggu bas nak pergi KLIA (:
mcD (:
kuantan :)
SMESHIAN  and cikgu khairi

we were there for 6 days and five night . banyak giler aktiviti . awesome much ! nak cerita panjang sangat . so , tengok gambar je la ek ((:

sebelum pulang ke semsas (:
makan malam bersama mb pahang (:
majlis penutupan 

hurm . so , conclusion dia , kursus tu memang best (: but then , balik je sekolah . kami ada ujian penggal . memang terpaksa buat mana yang tahu je . belajar tak sempat , tu pun last minute study :/ keputusan pun cukup2 makan . after that , supposed to be we started our holiday on friday , tapi kami ada kelas tambahan , isnin baru boleh balik . and here am i now at home . lega (: fuhhhhhh . 

ak rasa dah terlampau banyak untuk entry ne (: sekian . 

p/s : aku sayang kau . H.H.P.S ((: