SPM IS OVEERRRRRRR !!! ALHAMDULILLAH :) tu juga bermakna tamat dah zaman persekolahan ak . and a new world is waiting for me , us , the 0812 mates . dsebabkan saya ne science-stream . so habis awal . ada lagi kwn2 sekolah lain yg masih berjuang , for them . GOOD LUCK :) after paper BIO . we had our dinner on that night . walaupun bsk tu exam PA . nothing much to describe about the dinner , so here some pictures :))
the dorm-mates
with cikgu hanitah :)
me and aina :)
sovereign's cake :)
hmm . life seems un-normal since we left the school . for some people maybe . *including me* . belum dapat biasakan diri dengan kenyataan yg kitorang ni dah takkan tggal sama2 lagi . susah . sangat SUSAH . hidup , makan , tido , belajar , makan maggie dgn air panas je , makan bubur instant , PAMA , menyanyi , menari , berlakon , mengurus event , riadah , escape , main makeup2 , main ukulele , starmaker , taptap revenge , BBQ , karaoke , kutip bola futsal , jadi KINGKONG , tidur sekatil , dandan2 rambut , bergete , kena marah , kena denda , kena tawaf , breakfast , dinner , lunch , supper , ketawa , gosip , nangis , jatuh , bangun , terlentang semua ngan dorang . haih :/ tapi apa blh buat . life must go on . walaupun sedih2 sekarang , tak lama lagi hilang laa tu insyaAllah . HANYA GAMBAR MENJADI PENGUBAT RINDU :')
i wasn't there in SMESH when my friends went through their first 3 years in that school . lepas dpt 8A , mohon sana . alhamdulillah , mgkn dh ditakdirkan sy akn tamat sekolah kat sana . first thought msuk SMESH ? *matila ak kena bergaul dengan budak melayu, dahla semua pki tudung, mati..mati..* i had that thought because i was from chinese school . sejak dari kecik lagi , so agak GABRA . but at LASSST , ak rapat macam adik-beradik dengan drg . seperti peribahasa yg selalu disebut2 , *don't judge a book by its cover* -many book book by their covers- hahaha :D i really had a good time with them . SANGAT .
gemuk .
buruk eh tudung .
us :)
er , btw . aku punya jantung *dupdapdupdap* masa tulis ni . knapa eh ?
pengakhiran coretan , ak nk ucapkan terima kasih semua atas kenangan yg tak boleh dibeli dengan duit ni :)) lepas ni semua ada laluan masing2 , confirm akan ada yg terputus contact . tp insyaAllah tak . kalau betul kita terputus contact . PLEASE , just dont forget those times that you spent with sovereign . they really worth more than gold :)
design kat t-shirt form :)

meet my classmate . 5 BETA :)
TILL NEXT TIME . will be posting about few friends . byeeee .
sayang korang lillahitaala .
lots of love ,
tikayap :)
waiiiiiseeeeh.aku punya first thought msuk smesh dulu pun bgtue "pakai tudung" bahahahahha XD
ReplyDeletehahaha .