assalamualaikum , *sila jawab ye jangan baca je* .
ENVOCH 17 which stands for environmental and occupational health . and my batch is the 17th batch that taking this course. so far all is well , the subjects pun boleh handle lagi except for organic chem , its actually not that hard kalau ak ingat lagi semua benda yg aku pernah belajar kat matriks , and if i put extra effort on studying that subject. tapi aku ni queen of procastinating , kata nak study mlm ni x jadi , mlm esok , pun x jadi , sudahnye x sentuh . ya Allah buruknye perangai .
nah , nak belanja sikit gambar2 coursemate.
there you go , 38 of us , kecuali yg pgg dslr kat belakang tu .
kadang2 aku rasa mcm childish je cerita benda2 mcm ni kat blog , tapi ...... ahh lantak ah . blog ak kan , suka hati laaa . hehe .
so we had this cultural night for the closure for orientation night . betul ke ayat tu ? untuk orientasi envoch ye . so we have to perform in front of the seniors . even group aku hambar , it is still a great teamwork that we had shown to them , yeayy .
before ending my post this time , nak cerita sikit pasal cara kita berkomunikasi . i may not be good too , but as usual la , this is my blog so i am free to state my opinion out loud . kalau sesiapa yg baca rasa tak setuju , suka hati engkorang la nak buat ape .
its actually more to "how to ask sensitive questions ? " for example , alaaaa nak bagi example pulak susah . hmm . ah takpela , basically soalan yang senstive la , mcm 'kenapa badan awak berbau eh ?' , 'kenapa awak kurus sangat eh , x makan nasi ke ?' , 'kenapa awak gemuk eh ?' .
for those yang do not really care then its okay , tapi kalau la orang tu kecik hati dengan kita hah kan susah . you should put lotsa common sense in your questions. think wisely before you speak , kadang2 yang mendengar pun rasa engkau sandi . ( sandi = kuaja )
if another killer question come after another . mmg GG la org tu nak menjawab .
AND if IF you are really curious about the person and you think by asking publicly will just end up humiliate the person , why don't you ask the person personally , and if the person seems reluctant ( pandai2 ahh baca air muka org ) to tell you then please say 'its okay , you dont need to tell me if you dont want to' or just go away .
setiap orang ada cerita dia sendiri , sometimes they just want to keep it among themselves and its their rights to do so. not everything can be shared with the whole world . lain la macam aku ni , mulut bising kalau boleh semua aku nak cerita . and yes im that kind of person yang tak berapa kisah kalau org bertanya ttg sejarah hidup aku stakat 19 tahun ni , ceh sejarah hidup , mcm dh hidup lama je kan
thats it .
lots of love,
bangunan tinggi 7 tingkat (FPSK) . credits to lala for this picture