Monday 29 September 2014


assalamualaikum , im actually in the middle of finding extra notes on organic chemistry , and the time now is 12.28 a.m .i want to take a break for a while . nak cerita cerita sikit kat sini . sebenarnya nak update psal cerita2 masa orientation course and what happened around lately . tapi rsanya on next post kot .

im having a little hard time these days , there were so many activities and meeting . bak kata diorang , awal2 je macam ni . still adapting kot. smpai kadang2 dah terasa priorities kita is buat aktiviti , get merits and other stuffs than studying. bila suddenly lecturer said "okay , lusa ada kuiz" . baru mcm tersentak 'eh , ak belum belajar la' . tp activities still go on mcm biasa.

im taking LAX which i dont know what it stands for , but the subject has no credit hours but uses points instead . each group has 6 members and we are all from different college , almost all . and serious talk la kan , my college is quite far from the main campus , yeah i know klu ada effort mesti boleh jalan punya. ok , transportation is the first world problem , and all of us have different schedule, ada yg untill 7pm , with no breaks sometimes and bla bla . and actually quite susah nak cari satu masa yg semua free at the same time

saying from the University's perspective , they may do this in thinking that the students should mix around between different colleges , jgn nak dok terperap dengan students dari kolej same je . ala , but still got kokum ma , we can still meet each other from different college what . i think they should just put the group members  between same college .

and coming next , we have this camp which called Ultra Elite Boost Camp , and yes it is compulsory to all the first year students , and whoever x pernah join. im trying to take it positively la , masih mencuba actually . ala , dengar je camp kan ? confirm ah kena teriak sana sini . terima je la wahai cik atika. tp serius mmg ni akan jadi camp plg teruk kot ak pnah pegi , nak bandingkan BTN dulu mgkn lg ok kot .

in few more days dh nak cuti raya haji . makin nak dekat cuti , makin sibuk . dengan quiz la , ganti kelas la , tired la tired . but still trying the best . hmm dah dah la , nak sambung mmbaca . *padahal dah mengantuk*

till next time ,
lots of love.

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